How to Include Your Fur Babies into Your Family Session
One of my frequently asked questions is if it's ok to include a pet into a session. My answer is a resounding YES!! Pets are just as much a part of the family as anyone else. I am a huge animal lover! Sometimes I even go to the pet store just so I can hold and pet all the adorable kittens and puppies!! Below is some advice I would offer when considering having your pet in your photo session.
- LOCATION - If you decide you want your pet in your photos, make sure the location you choose is pet friendly. There are some locations I've done photographs at that do not allow pets.
- LEASH - If you are including a dog in your photos, please be sure the dog is on a leash. This is for the protection of everyone around us, as well as keeping your dog close and not being worried about him or her darting off and getting lost. Even the most well trained dogs can have a "squirrley" moment and decide this new location might be a great place to take an adventure.
- VACCINES - this goes without saying, but please make sure your pet is up to date on his or her vaccines.
- A FRIEND - Consider bringing an extra person with you (who will not be photographed) that your pet trusts. This person can keep the pet with them if you or your family should decide you want photos without the pet included, or if the pet is totally uncooperative and needs to be removed from the area.
- TREATS - Just like I suggest to parents with small children, treats are a great bribery tool! It will help keep your pet still and focused on the camera.
- TOYS - The noisier the better. This is also a great tool to help keep your pet’s attention on me. We can also use it for a fun game and get some fun interaction shots.
- APPEARANCE - Make sure your pet is clean and well groomed. Just like yourself, you want your pet to look their best for their moment in the spotlight. You can even dress them up with bows or a special bandana that matches the outfits of the rest of the family.
- LASTLY, make sure your pet is not TOO rested. If he has slept all day prior to your session, he will most likely be ready to run and go wild. Plan to exercise him or her prior to the shoot to allow for plenty of restful poses.
Enjoy these adorable fur babies in the photos below!

I would love to schedule a session with you and your pet! Please visit my booking link to get started -