
Happy New Year!! Welcome to my blog! One of my goals for 2023 is to start blogging about my life and my work. I figured January 1st was a great day to start! Let me begin by introducing myself. I'm Stacey, a Family and Senior portrait photographer living in Winter Haven, Florida. First and foremost, I am unapologetically a Believer and Follower of Jesus Christ. I'm a Mom to two adult children, one being a special needs adult, and a Nina to two fabulous grandchildren. I have been married to my soul mate for 35 years and we have been in full-time ministry together for most of those years. I may or may not be slightly addicted to coffee and dark chocolate. In addition to photography, some of my hobbies are cooking, raising monarch caterpillars, and enjoying snuggles with my grand babies. I have been studying photography since about 2013 but it's just been the past five or so years, that I have decided to take it to a professional level. I wanted to find a way to contribute financially to our family and I figured what better way than doing something I love! I chose Family Photography as my niche because, as a former preschool teacher, I feel like I know a thing or two about wrangling toddlers! Through this blog I hope to share little snippets of my everyday life and things I think might be valuable to beginner photographers and families preparing for their photo shoots. I look forward to connecting with you and appreciate all the support of my clients both past, present, and future! I'll leave you with the most recent photo of my precious grands!